Large-scale EO data handling

In these tutorials, you learn how to handle large-scale datasets in the Julia language using the EarthDataLab.jl package and how to map deforestations with the…

The ESA BIOMASS mission

The gross exchange of carbon between the land surface and the atmosphere is the largest flux within the global carbon cycle. Biomass at the Earth’s…

Imaging spectroscopy for urban mapping

This unit presents the capabilities of imaging spectroscopy (IS) for urban mapping. A brief introduction to urban mapping is followed by the basics of IS…

Imaging spectroscopy sensor technologies

This unit is one of the basic lectures provided by HYPERedu and introduces the physical basics and scientific requirements defining sensor technology, the principles of…

Echoes in space

Introduction into the principles and applications of radar remote sensing.


Biomass is a crucial parameter in the estimation and quantification of the global carbon cycle. In this lesson the estimation of above ground biomass from…

Sensor simulation

This unit is one of the basic lectures offered by HYPERedu and introduces the theoretical process chain of sensor forward simulation. In particular, the individual…

Imaging spectroscopy of forest ecosystems

This unit introduces the basics of Forest Imaging Spectroscopy. Firstly, the spectral characteristics of vegetation on leaf and canopy level are shown and explained using…

Regression-based unmixing of urban land cover

This tutorial focuses on regression-based unmixing of urban land cover from simulated EnMAP imagery. The slide collection provides the theoretical foundation for the tutorial, including…


The EnMAP-Box is a free and open-source plug-in for QGIS. It is designed to process imaging spectroscopy data and is particularly developed to handle data…

Principles of imaging spectroscopy

This unit introduces the physical background related to imaging spectroscopy. The basic laws of electromagnetic radiation are addressed. Based on that, processes of radiation transfer…