Beyond the Visible – EnMAP data access and image preprocessing techniques

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This resource provides a general introduction to the principles of hyperspectral image preprocessing and how this workflow is reflected in EnMAP products. Furthermore, the course provides a guide through the somewhat complicated process of ordering EnMAP data and gives access to free data sources, open-source software and hands-on training exercises.

This document contains the entire interactive MOOC “Beyond the Visible – EnMAP data access and image preprocessing techniques”, published in the first version in July 2023. However, users who want to complete the course with a certificate need to participate in the course and pass the final quiz of the online version of the course.

How to cite this course: A. Brosinsky, S. Foerster, K. Koch, M. Brell, D. Scheffler, N. Pinnel (2023). Beyond the Visible – EnMAP data access and image preprocessing techniques. Massive Open Online Course. Course material. HYPERedu, EnMAP education initiative, GFZ Potsdam, GFZ Data Services, published July 2023. 10.48440/enmap.2023.001.

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