Esta presentaciĂ³n es parte de una serie de cuatro tomos sobre los conceptos bĂ¡sicos del Radar de Apertura SintĂ©tica.
Al finalizar esta presentaciĂ³n los participantes podrĂ¡n:
- Entender los parĂ¡metros fĂsicos de las imĂ¡genes SAR
- Describir la interacciĂ³n de la señal de SAR con la superficie terrestre
- Describir los pasos necesarios para pre procesar las imĂ¡genes
- Entender la informaciĂ³n que se puede extraer de las imĂ¡genes SAR
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Dr. Erika Podest is a scientist with the Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Group at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Her research focuses on using Earth observing satellites, particularly microwave sensors, for characterizing and monitoring wetland ecosystems and seasonal freeze/thaw dynamics in the northern high latitudes as related to the global carbon and water cycles and climate change. She is working on the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission, a NASA Earth observing satellite that launched on Jan. 31 2015, which is improving our understanding of Earth’s water and carbon cycles and our ability to manage water resources. (Source: NASA ARSET)