The evolution of Sentinel-1

The History of C-Band radar, from ERS to Sentinel-1
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EO College

Unit Description

This presentation tells the story of the evolution of Radar technology from the early days of research on electromagnetic waves to the development of the European C-Band line and the Sentinel-1 satellite.


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  1. The information that was provided was quite detailed as most of the information that was discussed of which I was not aware of such as the introduction of the electromagnetic and electric field that was expressed through the research and equation. The development of radar instruments had begun in the early 1990s in the European nation and Japan. Where the European powers were trying to fight the battle of World War 1 and World War 2, they were also, on the other hand, trying to use the radio waves to detect the distance of the vessels and the aircraft although. According to the history of radar, Christian Hulsmeyer had invented a device named telemobiloscope that was used to estimate the distance of the ship using the antenna however due to some circumstances it was not able to function as it supposes to. From the late 1880s until this modern era, the radar instruments have evolved as there were a number of the scientist and scholars who have brought the different ideas of developing the radar station to the radar sensor over the decades as the simple research of the natural light has to lead to the invention of the radar station and then the radar station lead to the invention of the satellite into the space that now helps the geographic personnel in their research and weather forecasting.

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