Learning objectives of this topic
- Take a close look at certain tenure regimes and ownership patterns
- Make use of NDVI time series
- Do a temporal comparison and calculate mean values of your dataset
- Plot the time series and visualize your dataset
- Link irregularities to changes in landownership
The code used in this example can be found below the videos a well as by following this link:
Up next:
- Draw conclusions and estimations on certain tenure regimes or ownership patterns
- See an example of how to locate potential land grabs in Subsahara-Africa
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Up next:
- How to use the NDVI time series
- Monitor changes in irrigation
- Conclude possible tenure change
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Code used in the video
var Decrease = /* color: #ffc82d */ee.Geometry.Point([31.033888403992595, -17.394174311133924]),
Increase = /* color: #00ffff */ee.Geometry.Point([31.007109229187908, -17.44453938264605]),
VisParamNDVI = {"opacity":1,"bands":["NDVI"],"min":879.2,"max":6696.104347826087,"palette":["a31a14","cc7116","f9e6e6","8ee829","3a9d28"]},
VisParamChange = {"opacity":1,"bands":["NDVI"],"min":-1531.7630434782604,"max":2844.0456521739134,"palette":["a31a14","cc7116","f9e6e6","8ee829","3a9d28"]};
// Select Zimbabwe as an roi to reduce datasets
var Zim = ee.FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB_SIMPLE/2017').filterMetadata('country_co', 'equals', 'ZI')
// Call MODIS Vegetation indices as the basis for the showcase
var NDVI = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/MOD13Q1').select('NDVI')
print('Modis Collection:', NDVI );
// filter the collection to make use of two years at start and end
var ndvi2001 = NDVI
.filterDate('2001-01-01', '2002-12-31');
print('Ndvi 2001:', ndvi2001 );
var ndvi2010 = NDVI
.filterDate('2010-01-01', '2011-12-31');
// We want to create an NDVI mean for the first and the second timestep and clip it to Zambia
var mean2001 = ndvi2001.mean().clip(Zim)
print('Mean 2001', mean2001)
var mean2010 = ndvi2010.mean().clip(Zim)
// Set visualization parameters
Map.addLayer(mean2001, VisParamNDVI)
Map.addLayer(mean2010, VisParamNDVI)
var difference = mean2010.subtract(mean2001)
Map.addLayer(difference, VisParamChange)
var plotIrrigation = ui.Chart.image.seriesByRegion(NDVI, Increase, ee.Reducer.mean(), 'NDVI', 500)
.setOptions({ title: 'NDVI Time Series INCREASE', hAxis: {title: 'Date'},
vAxis: {title: 'NDVI'}
var plotRainfed = ui.Chart.image.seriesByRegion(NDVI, Decrease, ee.Reducer.mean(), 'NDVI', 500)
.setOptions({ title: 'NDVI Time Series DECREASE', hAxis: {title: 'Date'},
vAxis: {title: 'NDVI'}
Up next:
- Start your analysis in GEE
- Get detailed information about the code-workflow
- Calculate a temporal comparison
- Learn how to compare production, NDVI – values or productivity in the beginning to the one in the end of the time series
- Learn how to create subsets and work with them
- Calculate the means of your two datasets
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Code used in the video
var Decrease = /* color: #ffc82d */ee.Geometry.Point([31.033888403992595, -17.394174311133924]),
Increase = /* color: #00ffff */ee.Geometry.Point([31.007109229187908, -17.44453938264605]),
VisParamNDVI = {"opacity":1,"bands":["NDVI"],"min":879.2,"max":6696.104347826087,"palette":["a31a14","cc7116","f9e6e6","8ee829","3a9d28"]},
VisParamChange = {"opacity":1,"bands":["NDVI"],"min":-1531.7630434782604,"max":2844.0456521739134,"palette":["a31a14","cc7116","f9e6e6","8ee829","3a9d28"]};
// Select Zimbabwe as an roi to reduce datasets
var Zim = ee.FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB_SIMPLE/2017').filterMetadata('country_co', 'equals', 'ZI')
// Call MODIS Vegetation indices as the basis for the showcase
var NDVI = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/MOD13Q1').select('NDVI')
print('Modis Collection:', NDVI );
// filter the collection to make use of two years at start and end
var ndvi2001 = NDVI
.filterDate('2001-01-01', '2002-12-31');
print('Ndvi 2001:', ndvi2001 );
var ndvi2010 = NDVI
.filterDate('2010-01-01', '2011-12-31');
// We want to create an NDVI mean for the first and the second timestep and clip it to Zambia
var mean2001 = ndvi2001.mean().clip(Zim)
print('Mean 2001', mean2001)
var mean2010 = ndvi2010.mean().clip(Zim)
// Set visualization parameters
Map.addLayer(mean2001, VisParamNDVI)
Map.addLayer(mean2010, VisParamNDVI)
var difference = mean2010.subtract(mean2001)
Map.addLayer(difference, VisParamChange)
var plotIrrigation = ui.Chart.image.seriesByRegion(NDVI, Increase, ee.Reducer.mean(), 'NDVI', 500)
.setOptions({ title: 'NDVI Time Series INCREASE', hAxis: {title: 'Date'},
vAxis: {title: 'NDVI'}
var plotRainfed = ui.Chart.image.seriesByRegion(NDVI, Decrease, ee.Reducer.mean(), 'NDVI', 500)
.setOptions({ title: 'NDVI Time Series DECREASE', hAxis: {title: 'Date'},
vAxis: {title: 'NDVI'}
Up next:
- Learn how to map the differences of the means
- Plot your whole Dataset and analyze it
- Spot irregularities by monitoring the NDVI and the agriculture ptoduction
- Link them to changes in land ownership
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Code used in the video
var Decrease = /* color: #ffc82d */ee.Geometry.Point([31.033888403992595, -17.394174311133924]),
Increase = /* color: #00ffff */ee.Geometry.Point([31.007109229187908, -17.44453938264605]),
VisParamNDVI = {"opacity":1,"bands":["NDVI"],"min":879.2,"max":6696.104347826087,"palette":["a31a14","cc7116","f9e6e6","8ee829","3a9d28"]},
VisParamChange = {"opacity":1,"bands":["NDVI"],"min":-1531.7630434782604,"max":2844.0456521739134,"palette":["a31a14","cc7116","f9e6e6","8ee829","3a9d28"]};
// Select Zimbabwe as an roi to reduce datasets
var Zim = ee.FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB_SIMPLE/2017').filterMetadata('country_co', 'equals', 'ZI')
// Call MODIS Vegetation indices as the basis for the showcase
var NDVI = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/MOD13Q1').select('NDVI')
print('Modis Collection:', NDVI );
// filter the collection to make use of two years at start and end
var ndvi2001 = NDVI
.filterDate('2001-01-01', '2002-12-31');
print('Ndvi 2001:', ndvi2001 );
var ndvi2010 = NDVI
.filterDate('2010-01-01', '2011-12-31');
// We want to create an NDVI mean for the first and the second timestep and clip it to Zambia
var mean2001 = ndvi2001.mean().clip(Zim)
print('Mean 2001', mean2001)
var mean2010 = ndvi2010.mean().clip(Zim)
// Set visualization parameters
Map.addLayer(mean2001, VisParamNDVI)
Map.addLayer(mean2010, VisParamNDVI)
var difference = mean2010.subtract(mean2001)
Map.addLayer(difference, VisParamChange)
var plotIrrigation = ui.Chart.image.seriesByRegion(NDVI, Increase, ee.Reducer.mean(), 'NDVI', 500)
.setOptions({ title: 'NDVI Time Series INCREASE', hAxis: {title: 'Date'},
vAxis: {title: 'NDVI'}
var plotRainfed = ui.Chart.image.seriesByRegion(NDVI, Decrease, ee.Reducer.mean(), 'NDVI', 500)
.setOptions({ title: 'NDVI Time Series DECREASE', hAxis: {title: 'Date'},
vAxis: {title: 'NDVI'}
Sources & further reading
Tenure and SDGs Land Portal
Data on indigenous and community lands
Data on protected areas
Tenure and environmental protection
Remote sensing of deforestation
Remote sensing of tenure, agricultural production and degradation
Remote sensing to ensure land tenure security