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Home Forums Beyond the Visible Introduction to Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Basics-5.4 Data sources: spectral libraries Reply To: Basics-5.4 Data sources: spectral libraries

  • Saskia

    December 15, 2021 at 8:01 am

    Dear Priscilla,

    thank you for your question.

    Yes, in the course we present a number of freely accessible spectral libraries containing different surface materials. In some cases, such as the LUCAS SOIL library, a registration is required prior to downloading the data.

    There are more and more freely accessible spectral libraries becoming available such as the very recently released Open Soil Spectral Library (https://explorer.soilspectroscopy.org/). Please let us and your fellow students know here in the forum if you find out about more libraries. We may include them in the next version of the course.

