In the lab: Measuring soil moisture
Sources & further reading
Dubovyk, O. (2017). The role of Remote Sensing in land degradation assessments: opportunities and challenges. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 50:1, 601-613.
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) (2018). The IPBES assessment report on Land Degradation and Restoration.
Jenčo, M., Fulajtár, E., Bobáľová, H., Matečný, I., Saksa, M., Kožuch, M., Gallay, M., Kaňuk, J., Píš, V. & Oršulová, V (2020). Mapping Soil Degradation on Arable Land with Aerial Photography and Erosion Models, Case Study from Danube Lowland, Slovakia. In: Remote Sensing, 12(24).