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Beyond the Visible - Introduction to Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
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1 Welcome!2 Topics
2 Pre-Assessment: Ready for hyperspectral remote sensing?1 Quiz
3 Principles of imaging spectroscopy7 Topics|6 Quizzes
4 Principles of sensor technologies and data acquisition techniques8 Topics|7 Quizzes
4.1 Introduction to sensor technologies
4.2 Data properties - the 4 resolutions
4.3 Imaging spectroradiometer – general elements
4.4 Data acquisition: spaceborne
4.5 Data acquisition: airborne
4.6 Data acquisition: ground-based
4.7 Data product
4.8 Resource section: Lesson 'Principles of sensor technologies and data acquisition techniques'
4.1 Introduction to sensor technologies
5 Hands-On training: Data and software8 Topics|6 Quizzes
6 Goodbye!4 Topics|1 Quiz
In this section you will find a lot of additional information concencerning the topics we have covered in Lesson ‘Principles of imaging spectroscopy’.
Sources and further reading
HYPERedu et al. 2021
List of abbreviations