Back to Course Zero Hunger Playground 0% Complete 0/0 Steps Food security and food systems 4 Topics | 1 Quiz What is hunger? What is food security? (B) Food systems Food security and inequalities Some sort of quiz Challenges for future food security 3 Topics | 1 Quiz What are the challenges? Agricultural expansion versus intensification (B) Where are the challenges? (B) Some sort of quiz Geospatial information for food security 2 Topics | 1 Quiz Example applications (B) EO products and resources Some sort of quiz Sustainable Development Goal #2 3 Topics | 1 Quiz The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - the way towards Zero Hunger The Zero Hunger Goal Earth observation and the Zero Hunger Goal (B) Some sort of quiz Lesson 5, Topic 1 In Progress Introduction to topics around EO and food security Stefanie Steinbach