Earth Observation Data
This lesson is about ….
Insert here EO-based ressources that are useful for applications at different scales. Which concept to apply?
–> Take map examples from each of the portals and present them in a fictional application; then point to the portal itself
FAO RS for agriculture brief suggests the following geoportals and RS data and products on agricultural crop production and forecasting (URLs validated):
- The Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS) Earth Observation portal:
- The Global Agricultural Monitoring (GEOGLAM) Initiative: -> now
- USGS FEWS NET Data Portal: (tools relevant to agricultural crop production: Map Viewer, Early Warning eXplorer EWX software, Drought Status Monitor DSM, GeoWRSI, GeoCLIM)
- VEGETATION/Proba-V Data Portals: VEGETATION data sets are available through various data portals, including the DevCoCast Data Portal ( -> now ?), theProba-V Data Portal
(> now, the VITO Data Portal (, and the Copernicus Global Land Service The data provided through these portals include NDVIs, Vegetation Productivity Indices (VPIs), VCIs, LAIs, fAPARs, Fraction of Vegetation Cover (FCover), Dry Matter Productivity (DMP), Normalized Difference Water Indices (NDWIs), and Burnt Area.
- GEONETCast: ??
- EUMETSAT Data Portal:
- Earth Explorer:
- Copernicus – Sentinels Scientific Data Hub:
RS portals, tools, data and products available for a fee:
- DigitalGlobe imagery
- Imagery from Airbus Defense and Space
- Imagery from DMCii (DMC Constellation, NigeriaSAT-2)
- Other RS platforms that support agricultural applications: National agencies mandated to generate crop production statistics (national examples of forecasting systems in Kenya, Senegal and Zimbabwe given)